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Khaghani's Divan of poetry, as one of the greatest poets of this school, is the perfect poetical book of paintings in which meaning has been hidden under a delicate pattern and new different scientific, cultural and religious images.

Letters are a broad range of elements that put a new field in front of the poet and he is aware of the potential features of the letters , new images, and artistic creativity techniques as well. Letter have a double and even multiple application in Khaghani's poetic works divan and moreover the construction of words and conveying meaning which is the real and common usage, they were used as artistic instruments.

Letter position coding across modalities: the case of Braille readers. The question of how the brain encodes letter position in written words has attracted increasing attention in recent years. A number of models have recently been proposed to accommodate the fact that transposed- letter stimuli like jugde or caniso are perceptually very close to their base words.

Here we examined how letter position coding is attained in the tactile modality via Braille reading. The idea is that Braille word recognition may provide more serial processing than the visual modality, and this may produce differences in the input coding schemes employed to encode letters in written words. We found a word-frequency effect for words.

In addition, unlike parallel experiments in the visual modality, we failed to find any clear signs of transposed- letter confusability effects. This dissociation highlights the differences between modalities. The present data argue against models of letter position coding that assume that transposed- letter effects in the visual modality occur at a relatively late, abstract locus.

Digit and letter alexia in carbon monoxide poisoning. This study examined a year-old patient with delayed encephalopathy, who was admitted to hospital with complaints of headache and visual impairment 1 week after acute carbon monoxide poisoning. The results of a visual field assessment, electroencephalography and head magnetic resonance imaging indicated damage to the cerebral cortex.

After a 2-week treatment period, the patient had recovered from the visual impairment, but exhibited digit- and letter -reading difficulty. The Chinese aphasia battery and the number and letter battery supplement were conducted. The results revealed that the patient exhibited digit and letter alexia, while the ability to read Chinese characters was preserved. In contrast, the patient exhibited a deficit in Chinese character writing, while number and letter writing remained intact.

Following treatment, reading and writing ability was improved and electroencephalographic abnormalities were ameliorated. Overall, our experimental findings demonstrated that delayed encephalopathy following acute carbon monoxide poisoning was characterized by digit and letter alexia. In discussing letter -writing methods for business communication classes, the article explains that claim letter formats other than the direct approach are not only legitimate, but also effective, and suggests that the approach selected should depend upon the circumstances surrounding the claim.

Culture and subculture in transactional letter writing. We examined the letters accompanying articles initially submitted for publication by 26 NSE and 23 NNSE academics, and compared them with ef Broads' November 18, article on Yucca Mountain. Dudley, W. The article was written by William J. Broad and dealt with a hypothesis of Jerry S. The letter addressed areas of concern; including hydrology, geology, tectonics, and the integrity of the scientists and their conclusions.

Full Text Available Clean Development Mechanism CDM projects have additional technical, financial and regulatory requirements that are not fully addressed by classic project management approaches. Research has been done on individual novel concepts of the CDM, like Particles and nuclei, letters. Who Is Responsible for Addressing Cyberbullying? Perspectives from Teachers and Senior Managers.

Green, Vanessa A. This study investigates responsibility for addressing cyberbullying and the extent to which specific training is needed. A total of school staff completed an anonymous online survey and included two groups: a teachers, including heads of departments, and b principals, deputy principals, and deans i. The majority…. Full Text Available The question of how the brain encodes letter position in written words has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Experimental test of contemporary mathematical models of visual letter recognition.

A letter confusion experiment that used brief durations manipulated payoffs across the four stimulus letters , which were composed of line segments equal in length.

The observers were required to report the features they perceived as well as to give a letter response. The early feature-sampling process is separated from the later letter -decision process in the substantive feature models, and predictions are thus obtained for the frequencies of feature report as well as letter report.

Four substantive visual feature-processing models are developed and tested against one another and against three models of a more descriptive nature. The substantive models predict the decisional letter report phase much better than they do the feature-sampling phase, but the best overall 4 X 4 letter confusion matrix fits are obtained with one of the descriptive models, the similarity choice model.

The present and other recent results suggest that the assumption that features are sampled in a stochastically independent manner may not be generally valid.

The traditional high-threshold conceptualization of feature sampling is also falsified by the frequent reporting by observers of features not contained in the stimulus letter. Simulation and computing are essential to much of the research conducted at the DOE national laboratories. This report seeks to identify the gaps and challenges facing DOE with respect to this workforce.

The evidence for the effectiveness of the first letter mnemonic technique is confused. There are at least three studies showing no effect, and one where an improvement in recall occurred. Reports two experiments which attempted to locate the conditions under which the first letter mnemonic is effective. Extra-large letter spacing improves reading in dyslexia.

Although the causes of dyslexia are still debated, all researchers agree that the main challenge is to find ways that allow a child with dyslexia to read more words in less time, because reading more is undisputedly the most efficient intervention for dyslexia. Sophisticated training programs exist, but they typically target the component skills of reading, such as phonological awareness.

After the component skills have improved, the main challenge remains that is, reading deficits must be treated by reading more—a vicious circle for a dyslexic child. Here, we show that a simple manipulation of letter spacing substantially improved text reading performance on the fly without any training in a large, unselected sample of Italian and French dyslexic children.

Extra-large letter spacing helps reading, because dyslexics are abnormally affected by crowding, a perceptual phenomenon with detrimental effects on letter recognition that is modulated by the spacing between letters. Extra-large letter spacing may help to break the vicious circle by rendering the reading material more easily accessible.

Letters of reference are widely used as an essential part of the hiring process of newly licensed teachers. While the predictive validity of these letters of reference has been called into question it has never been empirically studied. The current study examined the predictive validity of the quality of letters of reference for forty-one student…. Teaching letter sounds to kindergarten English language learners using incremental rehearsal. Proficiency in letter -sound correspondence is important for decoding connected text.

This study examined the effects of an evidence-based intervention, incremental rehearsal IR , on the letter -sound expression of three kindergarten English language learners ELLs performing below the district benchmark for letter -sound fluency. Participants were native speakers of Hmong, Spanish, and Polish. A multiple-baseline design across sets of unknown letter sounds was used to evaluate the effects of IR on letter -sound expression.

Visual analysis of the data showed an increase in level and trend when IR was introduced in each phase. All participants exceeded expected growth and reached the spring district benchmark for letter -sound fluency. Results suggest that IR is a promising intervention for increasing letter -sound expression for ELLs who evidence delays in acquiring letter sounds. Published by Elsevier Ltd. We certify that the wording of this letter of credit is identical to the wording specified in 40 CFR Particles and Nuclei, Letters.

Using life cycle assessment to address stakeholders' potential for improving municipal solid waste management. Because the consumption of materials is generally higher than their recovery rate, improving municipal solid waste MSW management is fundamental for increasing the efficiency of natural resource use and consumption in urban areas.

More broadly, the characteristics of a MSW management system influence the end-of-life EOL impacts of goods consumed by households. We aim to indicate the extent to which greenhouse gas emissions from a MSW management system can be reduced by increasing waste paper recycling. We also address the stakeholders' contribution for driving transition towards an improved scenario.

We were able to measure the differences in stakeholders' contribution by modelling the MSW management system processes that are under the industry's responsibility separately from the processes that are under the government's responsibility, based on the Brazilian legal framework.

The conclusions indicate that LCA can be used to support policy directions on reducing the impacts of MSW management by increasing resource recovery towards a circular economy. The elaboration of motor programs for the automation of letter production. We investigated how children learn to write letters. Letter writing evolves from stroke-by-stroke to whole- letter programming. At ages 6 and 7 movement duration, dysfluency and trajectory increased with stroke number.

This indicates that the motor program they activated mainly coded information on stroke production. Stroke number affected the older children's production much less, suggesting that they programmed stroke chunks or the whole letter.

The fact that movement duration and dysfluency decreased from ages 6 to 8, and remained stable at ages 8 and 9 suggests that automation of letter writing begins at age 8. Peer assessment of outpatient consultation letters — feasibility and satisfaction.

Full Text Available Abstract Background Written correspondence is one of the most important forms of communication between health care providers, yet there is little feedback provided to specialists. The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility and satisfaction of a peer assessment program on consultation letters and to determine inter-rater reliability between family physicians and specialists.

Methods A rating scale of nine 5-point Likert scale items including specific content, style items, education value of the letter and an overall rating was developed from a previous validated tool. Two Internal Medicine specialists, and 2 family physicians from the other centre rated each letter to protect writer anonymity.

A satisfaction survey was sent to each writer and rater after collation of the results. A follow-up survey was sent 6—8 months later. Results There was a high degree of satisfaction with the process and feedback.

Raters rank ordered letters similarly Cronbach's alpha 0. At site 1 there were significant differences in scoring brevity p Conclusion Most participants found peer assessment of letters feasible and beneficial and longstanding changes occurred in some individuals. Family physicians and specialists appear to have different expectations on some items. Further studies on reliability and validity, with a larger sample, are required before high stakes professional assessments include consultation letters.

Pseudo-synesthesia through reading books with colored letters. A relatively common type of synesthesia involves perception of color when viewing letters e. In this study, we examine whether traits typically regarded as markers of synesthesia can be acquired by simply reading in color. A modified Stroop task was administered before and after reading. A perceptual crowding task was administered after reading.

Readers did not show significant performance advantages on the crowding task compared to controls. Acknowledging the many differences between trainees and synesthetes, results suggest that it may be possible to acquire a subset of synesthetic behavioral traits in adulthood through training.

Reading in color appears to be a promising avenue in which we may explore the differences and similarities between synesthetes and non-synesthetes. Additionally, reading in color is a plausible method for a long-term 'synesthetic' training program. Addressing challenges for future strategic-level emergency management : reframing, networking, and capacity-building. The mounting frequency and intensity of natural hazards, alongside growing interdependencies between social-technical and ecological systems, are placing increased pressure on emergency management.

This is particularly true at the strategic level of emergency management , which involves planning for and managing non-routine, high-consequence events. Drawing on the literature, a survey, and interviews and workshops with Australia's senior emergency managers , this paper presents an analysis of five core challenges that these pressures are creating for strategic-level emergency management.

It argues that emphasising 'emergency management ' as a primary adaptation strategy is a retrograde step that ignores the importance of addressing socio-political drivers of vulnerabilities. Three key suggestions are presented that could assist the country's strategic-level emergency management in tackling these challenges: i reframe emergency management as a component of disaster risk reduction rather than them being one and the same; ii adopt a network governance approach; and iii further develop the capacities of strategic-level emergency managers.

Letter of Map Revision. These experimental investigations have Patient information letters on nutrition: development and implementation. Five nutritional guidance letters have since been developed with the Dutch Nutrition Center. Color associations for days and letters across different languages.

While colors are commonplace in everyday metaphors, relatively little is known about implicit color associations to linguistic or semantic concepts in a general population. In this study, we test color associations for ordered linguistic concepts letters and days. The culture and language specificity of these effects was examined in a large group of Dutch-speaking participants, 92 English-speaking participants, and 49 Hindi-speaking participants.

Non-random distributions of color choices were revealed; consistencies were found across the three language groups in color preferences for both days and letters. Interestingly, while the Hindi-speaking participants were presented with letter stimuli matched on phonology, their pattern of letter -to-color preferences still showed similarities with Dutch- and English-speaking participants.

Furthermore, we found that that the color preferences corresponded between participants indicating to have conscious color experiences with letters or days putative synesthetes and participants who do not non-synesthetes. We also explored possible mechanisms underlying the color preferences.

While certainly not all variation can be explained or predicted, the results show that regularities are present in color-to- letter or color-to-day preferences in both putative synesthetes and non-synesthetes across languages. Both letter -to-color and day-to-color preferences were influenced by multiple factors. The findings support a notion of abstract concepts such as days and letters that are not represented in isolation, but are connected to perceptual representational systems.

Full Text Available While colors are commonplace in everyday metaphors, relatively little is known about implicit color associations to linguistic or semantic concepts in a general population.

There were a few specific associations, including red for A, red for Monday, and white for Sunday. We also explored more general mechanisms, such as overall color preferences shown by Simner et al Michelangelo, a Tireless Letter Writer.

Full Text Available A titan of artistic creation, the sculptor-painter-architect Michelangelo was also a tireless letter writer. Five hundred and eighteen of his letters have reached us, stretching from his youth to the eve of his death, but we know that many others have been lost. How To Write a Business Letter. Power of the Printed Word. Business letters should turn people on rather than turning them off. To write a good business letter , know what the goal is before starting to write, call the reader by name, tell what the letter is about in the first paragraph, refer to dates when answering letters , and write from the reader's point of view.

Be positive, be nice, and be natural. The experiences from implementing decision support technology to address water management plans in an operational environment. McArdle, S. This presentation described Ontario Power Generation's experience in implementing a decision support tool to enable water management plans for its operations through technology solutions.

All hydroelectric producers in Ontario are required to make water management plans in order to maintain water levels and flows in their operating regions. This regulation was created in response to environmental concerns as well as to changes in the electricity market and growth of residential and cottage property near water bodies.

In order to keep informed and to address compliance issues, operators and managers need situation awareness information to balance operational decisions. The AWMS provides users with information on water levels and flows; the ability to implement, modify, and manage daily instructions at the facilities; track conditions in the watershed; and, provide a status of compliance.

The tool was developed by 4DM Inc. Lawrence Plant Group for the Madawaska River Watershed Management , a model partnership between operator, regulator and Public Advisory Committee to develop a water management plan. Full Text Available In the year was adopted the Publication no.

Publication no. The Publication no. The new Publication has brought a number of changes on the issues regarding the performance of the letters of credit, both in the relationship with the nonbanking institutions participants and in the relationship between the credit institutions participating in the performance of the letter of credit.

This study, without being exhaustive, aims to capture the main aspects of novelty brought by the publication no. It has in view, in particular, the irrevocable character of the letter of credit, the elaboration method and procedure of the letter of credit, the participants to the unfolding of the specific relationship of the letter of credit and the main duties of the involved credit institutions. Return to sender: Constantijn Huygens as a man of letters. Evidence for magnocellular involvement in the identification of flanked letters.

Little is known about the role of the magno system in reading. One important hypothesis is that this system is involved in the allocation of attention. We reasoned that the presentation of a single letter automatically draws attention to this letter , whereas in the case of a flanked letter , an. Letter to Carl Niigeli. We reproduce an english translation of one of these letters below, in which Letters of intent. After initial discussions of 'Expressions of Interest' at the specially arranged meeting at Evian-les-Bains, France, earlier this year May, page 1 , three Letters of Intent have emerged, together involving nearly physicists from research institutes all over the world.

As well as these researchers listed on the documents, the plans in fact involve many additional technical specialists who work behind the scenes.

It was a historic moment as these three detector proposals were aired at the first open meeting of the new LHC Experiments Committee. CERN's main auditorium and a large overflow room receiving relayed video pictures were both packed. From these three schemes - ATLAS, CMS and L3P - and the first reactions to their letters of intent, eventually two projects will emerge, for which full technical proposals will be prepared, including construction plans and credible costings. Background Synesthesia is a phenomenon where a stimulus produces consistent extraordinary subjective experiences.

In this study, we examine whether traits. Letters on nuclear controversy. Heinz Maier-Leibnitz a well-known scientist, nuclear physicist, for 50 years, who publicily supported the idea not to overrate the dangers of peaceful utilization of nuclear energy, has grown tired of talking only to colleagues.

He invites a junior fellow physicist, who held engaged speeches against the nuclear power plant Zwentendorf, to an exchange of thoughts. Peter Kafka, an astro-physicist studied the self organisation of the universe from the big bang to the economic crisis and encountered the question of which conditions have to be fulfilled to prevent progress from becoming caranogenous.

He became one of the spokesmen of 'political ecology' and called for resistance again large-scale technological use of scientific knowledge. He was enthusiastic about the idea of an exchange of letters , because he - just like his partner - believes in gaining knowledge by discussion. The variety of subjects is sketched briefly in form of three lectures. In the letters both scientists discuss intensly about: - Freedom of science and responsibility of science.

In the end no one has convinced the other. The reader however finds a lot of new incentives in the letters - printed in unabridged form - a lot of new and significant arguments for a discussion which has only just started.

Transposed- letter priming of prelexical orthographic representations. A prime generated by transposing two internal letters e. In lexical decision, this transposed- letter TL priming effect is generally weak or absent for nonword targets; thus, it is unclear whether the origin of this effect is lexical or prelexical.

The authors describe the Bayesian Reader theory of masked priming D. Kinoshita, , which explains why nonwords do not show priming in lexical decision but why they do in the cross-case same-different task. This analysis is followed by 3 experiments that show that priming in this task is not based on low-level perceptual similarity between the prime and target, or on phonology, to make the case that priming is based on prelexical orthographic representation. The authors then use this task to demonstrate equivalent TL priming effects for nonwords and words.

The results are interpreted as the first reliable evidence based on the masked priming procedure that letter position is not coded absolutely within the prelexical, orthographic representation. The implications of the results for current letter position coding schemes are discussed. So I stated earlier, we start with a very basic package for 7-Zip. And as we typically do, this program is deployed to a collection, in this case I went very originally with Deploy 7-Zip.

Nothing special with our collection the way we usually do it. My current query lists a grand total of 4 objects in my collection. You can clearly see the type of rule is set to Query. Note: I set my updates on collections at 30 minutes. This is my personal lab. I would in no case set this for a real live production collection.

Most aggressive I would typically go for would be 8 hours. Understanding WQL can be a challenge if you never played around with it. Press Ok. As you can see in the screenshot below, my count went down by two since I already had successfully deployed it to half my test machines.

Ok, now that we have that dynamic query up and running, why not try and improve on the overall deployment technique, shall we? As you know, a program will be deployed when the Assignment schedule time is reached. If you have computers that are offline, they will receive their installation when they boot up their workstation, unless you have a maintenance window preventing it.

Unless you have set a recurring schedule, it will not rerun. By having a dynamic collection as we did above, combined with a recurring schedule, you can reattempt the installation on all workstations that failed the installation without starting the process for nothing on a workstation that succeeded to install it. As I said earlier, the goal of this post is not necessarily to replace your deployment methods. By targeting the SCCM client installation error codes, you will have a better idea of what is happening during client installation.

The error codes are not an exact science, they can defer depending on the situation. For a better understanding of ccmsetup error codes, read this great post from Jason Sandys.

A better SCCM client installation rate equals better overall management. You want your SCCM non-client count to be as low as possible. During the SCCM client installation process, monitor the ccmsetup. There are other logs, to which the SCCM client installation relates. Use the command line net helpmsg , for more information about your return error code. There are chances that the last error code returns an empty value for a device.

Some errors have been added based on our personal experiences. Feel free to send us any new error codes, this list will be updated based on your comments. You can also check the list of client commands list, as additional help for troubleshooting your SCCM clients.

Knowing the client installation status from reports reduces the number of devices without SCCM client installed in your IT infrastructure. This report now shows the last SCCM client installation error codes, including the description of the installation deployment state.

We will cover scenarios for new and existing computers that you may want to upgrade. Windows 10, version 22H2 is a scoped release focused on quality improvements to the overall Windows experience in existing feature areas such as quality, productivity, and security.

Home and Pro editions of the Update will receive 18 months of servicing, and Enterprise and Education editions will have 30 months of service. You may also need to deploy Windows 10 22H2 to your existing Windows 10 computer to stay supported or to benefit from the new features.

There are a couple of important changes in this release. Before deploying a new Windows 10 feature upgrade, you need to have a good plan. Test it in a lab environment, deploy it to a limited group and test all your business applications before broad deployment.

Do not treat a feature upgrade as a normal monthly software update. The release information states: The Windows ADK for Windows 10, version supports all currently supported versions of Windows 10, including version 22H2.

ISO file. Ex: WinH2-Wim. Task Sequences are customizable: You can run pre-upgrade and post-upgrade tasks which could be mandatory if you have any sort of customization to your Windows 10 deployments. For example, Windows 10 is resetting pretty much anything related to regional settings, the keyboard, start menu , and taskbar customization. Servicing Plan has simplicity, you set your option and forget, as Automatic Deployment Rules does for Software Updates.

For migration, you must use an upgrade task sequence. Feature Updates are deployed, managed, and monitored as you would deploy a Software Update. You download and deploy it directly from the SCCM console. Features Updates are applicable and deployable only to existing Windows 10 systems. Some Windows 10 version shares the same core OS with an identical set of system files, but the new features are in an inactive and dormant state.

By deploying the Enablement package you just enable the new feature. The advantage is that it reduces the updated downtime with a single restart. Use the enablement package only to jump to the next Windows 10 version example: to OR 20H2 to 21H2. You should have downloaded the ISO file in the first step of this guide. We will be importing the default Install. We will cover this in the next section. This package will be used to upgrade an existing Windows 10 or a Windows 7 or 8.

This Task Sequence could be used to upgrade an existing Windows 7 or 8. We are now ready to deploy our task sequence to the computer we want to upgrade. In our case, we are targeting a Windows 10 computer that is running Windows 10 Everything is now ready to deploy to our Windows 10 computers. For our example, we will be upgrading a Windows 10 to Windows 10 22H2. This task sequence can also be used to upgrade existing Windows 7 or 8.

To install the Windows 10 22H2 operating system, the process is fairly the same except to start the deployment. If you encounter any issues, please see our troubleshooting guide. Once Windows 10 is added to your Software Update Point , we will create a Software Update deployment that will be deployed to our Windows 10 deployment collection.

This is really the most straightforward and fastest method to deploy. As stated in the introduction of this post, you can use Servicing Plan to automate the Windows 10 deployment. Windows 10, version , 20H2, 21H1, and 21H2 share a common core operating system with an identical set of system files. Therefore, the new features in Windows 10, version 22H2 are included in the latest monthly quality update for Windows 10, version , 20H2, 21H1, and 21H2, but are in an inactive and dormant state.

If a device is updating from Windows 10, version , or an earlier version, this feature update enablement package cannot be installed. This is called Hard Block. We have numerous resources on our site for advanced monitoring and we also have pages that cover the whole topic. This guide can be found in our shop. We developed a report to help you achieve that :. So to wrap up… before you were accessing the Microsoft Intune portal through Azure, now Microsoft wants you to use the new Endpoint Manager Portal.

All three patients required the additional practice in phase 2 to achieve significant improvement. Treatment did not target sentence level reading, yet two of the three patients became so adept that they could read entire sentences.

It further demonstrates that this treatment can alter cognitive processing such that words never specifically trained can be read in free vision without overtly using the trained strategy. The data suggest that an important element in achieving. The survey is a part of Posiva Oy's detailed investigation program for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. The assignment included the field work and data processing.

The report describes field operation, equipment as well as processing procedures and shows the obtained results and an analysis of their quality in the appendices. Writing more informative letters of reference. Writing a meaningful and valuable letter of reference is not an easy task. Several factors influence the quality of any letter of reference. First, the accuracy and reliability of the writer's impressions and judgment depend on how well he knows the individual being described. Second, the writer's frame of reference, which is determined by the number of persons at the same level that he has worked with, will impact the context and significance of his beliefs and estimations.

Third, the letter -writing skills of the person composing the letter will naturally affect the letter. To support the other components of a candidate's application, a letter of reference should provide specific examples of how an individual's behavior or attitude compares to a reference group and should assess "intangibles" that are hard to glean from a curriculum vitae or from test scores.

This report offers suggestions that should help physicians write more informative letters of reference. Letters From Peplau. Hildegard Peplau, considered to be our first modern Nurse theorist and the Mother of Psychiatric Nursing, was a prolific writer, engaging in correspondence with colleagues and students who sought her professional and theoretical expertise.

Through these letters , she influenced psychiatric nursing while maintaining a broad international network of professional colleagues. An analysis of letters , written between and , provides insights into Peplau's last decade of professional life and a model of how to support the next generation of nurse scholars.

Using content analysis, 24 letters received between and were read, reread, and coded. Recurring themes were identified. Three themes were identified. The letters depict Peplau's keen intellect, her wide professional network, her leisure time spent with family and friends, and her own work to assure that her theoretical legacy continued. Peplau's insights continue to be relevant as psychiatric mental health nursing leaders engage in activities to support the next generation of scholars and leaders.

The legibility of letters and words. However, research indicates Is it possible to create a typeface where both letters and words have a high level of legibility or are those factors so different that they cannot be combined? Through a literature review Nonwords created by transposing two "adjacent" letters i. This fact poses problems for most computational models of word recognition e. ERP correlates of letter identity and letter position are modulated by lexical frequency.

The encoding of letter position is a key aspect in all recently proposed models of visual-word recognition. We analyzed the impact of lexical frequency on letter position assignment by examining the temporal dynamics of lexical activation induced by pseudowords extracted from words of different frequencies. For each word e. ERPs were recorded while participants read words and pseudowords in two tasks: Semantic categorization Experiment 1 and lexical decision Experiment 2.

Behavioral responses in the lexical decision task paralleled this asymmetry. The present findings impose constraints on computational and neural models of visual-word recognition.

The letter knowledge assessment tool. There is a need to develop letter knowledge assessment tools to characterise the letter knowledge in Portuguese pre-schoolers and to compare it with pre-schoolers from other countries, but there are no tools for this purpose in Portugal. This study includes data that has been gathered in two phases: pilot and main study.

In the pilot study, an expert panel of six speech and language pathologists analysed the instrument. Content validity, internal consistency, reliability and contributing factors to performance were examined statistically.

A modified Bland-Altman method revealed good agreement amongst evaluators. Significant differences were found between age groups with children increasing their letter knowledge with age. In addition, they were better at identifying than at producing both letter names and letter sounds. We examined the effects of letter -transposition in Hebrew in three masked-priming experiments. Experiment 1 showed that…. Progesterone-associated proteins PP 12 and PP 14 in the human endometrium.

Two proteins, designated as PP 12 and PP 14 were originally isolated from soluble extracts of the human placenta and its adjacent membranes. Both proteins occur at high concentrations in human amniotic fluid, which is therefore an excellent source for purification. This is identical with that of somatomedin-binding protein purified from the amniotic fluid.

Human secretory endometrium synthesizes and secretes PP 12, and progesterone stimulates its secretion. PP 14 is a kDa glycoprotein.

Its N-terminal sequence shows homology to that of beta-lactoglobulins from various species. We have found PP 14 in the human endometrium, serum and milk. In ovulatory menstrual cycles, the concentration of PP 14 increases in endometrial tissue as the secretory changes advance. In serum, the PP 14 concentration begins to rise later than the progesterone levels, and high serum PP 14 levels are maintained for the first days of the next cycle.

By contrast, no elevation of serum PP 14 level is seen in anovulatory cycles. Our results show that progesterone-associated proteins are synthesized by the human endometrium and appear in the peripheral circulation, where they can be quantitatively measured using immunochemical techniques.

Letter Dice. Technical Note No. Letter and syllable dice devised for a project in rural Ecuador provide inexpensive, easily reproducible learning materials for practice in basic literary skills. Eleven wooden cubes with six letters on each cube are cast onto a surface and the player constructs words from the letters on the top side of the dice. After a word is formed and…. Letter to the parliament:. This piece was a letter directed towards various ministers in the parliament, targeted at raising a discussion on the values in the education of architects in Denmark and various related topics Resource Letter : GW Global warming.

This Resource Letter provides a guide to the literature on the possibility of a human-induced climate change—a global warming. Journal articles and books are cited for the following topics: the Greenhouse Effect, sources of infrared-trapping gases, climate models and their uncertainties, verification of climate models, past climate changes, and economics, ethics, and politics of policy responses to climate change.

The letter I, for intermediate level, indicates material of somewhat more specialized nature, and the letter A indicates rather specialized or advanced material. Implied reading direction and prioritization of letter encoding. Capacity limits hinder processing of multiple stimuli, contributing to poorer performance for identifying two briefly presented letters than for identifying a single letter. Higher accuracy is typically found for identifying the letter on the left, which has been attributed to a right-hemisphere dominance for selective attention.

Here, we use rapid serial visual presentation RSVP of letters in two locations at once. The letters to be identified are simultaneous and cued by rings. In the first experiment, we manipulated implied reading direction by rotating or mirror-reversing the letters to face to the left rather than to the right.

The left-side performance advantage was eliminated. Again consistent with an effect of implied reading direction, performance was better for the top position in the downward condition, but not in the upward condition.

In both experiments, mixture modeling of participants' report errors revealed that attentional sampling from the two locations was approximately simultaneous, ruling out the theory that the letter on one side was processed first, followed by a shift of attention to sample the other letter.

Thus, the orientation of the letters apparently controls not when the letters are sampled from the scene, but rather the dynamics of a subsequent process, such as tokenization or memory consolidation.

Implied reading direction appears to determine the letter prioritized at a high-level processing bottleneck. In some circumstances, a letter or other written form of communication to the contractor may be adequate postaward Early on during word recognition, letter positions are not accurately coded. Evidence for this comes from transposed- letter TL priming effects, in which letter strings generated by transposing two adjacent letters e.

Launch of Zoological Letters. A new open-access journal, Zoological Letters , was launched as a sister journal to Zoological Science, in January The new journal aims at publishing topical papers of high quality from a wide range of basic zoological research fields. This review highlights the notable reviews and research articles that have been published in the first year of Zoological Letters , providing an overview on the current achievements and future directions of the journal.

In this article, we use the medium of a narrative dialogue to represent and re-examine our reflective letter -writing method. The dialogue draws attention to key features of reflective letter -writing as a collaborative autoethnographic research method and, in so doing, highlights and explores the nature, potential significance, and challenges of this method. Our discussion points to the value of a collaborative process of reflective letter -writing as a way for researchers to access and portray emotional aspects of their research experience, to deepen their engagement with these emotional dimensions, and to gain insight into their own and others' lived research experiences.

The pavement is one of the basic parts of the road infrastructure. The development model is depending on the PCI value of sample sections having The filtering and outlier analysis was done by using a polynomial fourth-degree constrained least squared for statistical process.

The result of the prediction model of PCI shows that it is valid to be used in the prediction of the condition of pavement for the same family type. Stated objectives are to enable students to type a mailable letter ; to inspect,…. Full Text Available Starting from the hypothesis that printed word identification initially involves the parallel mapping of visual features onto location-specific letter identities, we analyze the type of information that would be involved in optimally mapping this location-specific orthographic code onto a location-invariant lexical code.

We assume that some intermediate level of coding exists between individual letters and whole words, and that this involves the representation of letter combinations. We then investigate the nature of this intermediate level of coding given the constraints of optimality.

This intermediate level of coding is expected to compress data while retaining as much information as possible about word identity. Information conveyed by letters is a function of how much they constrain word identity and how visible they are. Optimization of this coding is a combination of minimizing resources using the most compact representations and maximizing information. We show that in a large proportion of cases, non-contiguous letter sequences contain more information than contiguous sequences, while at the same time requiring less precise coding.

Moreover, we found that the best predictor of human performance in orthographic priming experiments was within-word ranking of conditional probabilities, rather than average conditional probabilities.

We conclude that from an optimality perspective, readers learn to select certain contiguous and non-contiguous letter combinations as information that provides the best cue to word identity. Writing More Informative Letters of Reference. Third, the letter Phenomenon: Fourth-year medical students obtain Department of Medicine DOM letters "Chair" letters to support their residency applications.

Writing and interpreting DOM letters are challenging. There is heterogeneity in the letters that makes it difficult to both write and read these letters. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of new guidelines developed by a task force of clerkship directors and program directors in internal medicine and assess the implementation of these guidelines.

The Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine performed a cross-sectional survey of internal medicine clerkship directors at U. In addition, the primary author's institution reviewed 1, DOM letters between and to assess the implementation of these guidelines. DOM letter writers reported the guidelines were better, easier to implement, and more compatible with the purpose of DOM letters than previously.

Most letter readers reported that letters using the guidelines were more credible. Writers of DOM letters in lower academic ranks rated the letters with guidelines higher in several domains than those in higher academic ranks. Readers of DOM letters in higher academic ranks rated the letters with guidelines higher in several domains than those in lower academic ranks. In the DOM letters examined, the odds of meeting each guideline increased with each additional year. However, for 3 guidelines there was an initial decline in adherence from to before increasing again in the recommended length, clerkship description, and detailed narrative guidelines.

Letters solely written by a chair were less likely to incorporate the guidelines. Insights: Clerkship directors often write the DOM letters and identify with the purpose of the guidelines. As writers, lower ranking academic faculty value the guidelines more than higher ranking academic faculty. As readers of DOM letters. A comparison of pp and pp elastic scattering at 90 degrees.

A study of low momentum antiproton-proton interactions in the momentum range 0. An observation of one property of the data when compared with pp elastic scattering within the framework of quark- parton models is presented. The pp and pp systems, related by crossing symmetry, provided significant constraints on any particular model. Book Review 1. Book Title: Histocompatibility Testing Book Author: P. Terasaki Ed. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. Book Review 2. Book Author: A. Springfield, Ill.

Charles C. Investigation of exotic modes of spinning nuclei nearZr Uitgeverij De Arbeiders- pers, Amsterdam, , pp. Met aante- keninge [ pp. In het die skrywer van hierdie studie, op grond van 'n proefskrif oor die doelbewuste aankweek van die Hitlerlegende tot ,. Maritime Geo-Fence Letter Report. Johnson Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. July Report No. The role of sensorimotor learning in the perception of letter -like forms: tracking the causes of neural specialization for letters.

Functional specialization in the brain is considered a hallmark of efficient processing. It is therefore not surprising that there are brain areas specialized for processing letters. To better understand the causes of functional specialization for letters , we explore the emergence of this pattern of response in the ventral processing stream through a training paradigm.

Previously, we hypothesized that the specialized response pattern seen during letter perception may be due in part to our experience in writing letters. The work presented here investigates whether or not this aspect of letter processing-the integration of sensorimotor systems through writing-leads to functional specialization in the visual system.

To test this idea, we investigated whether or not different types of experiences with letter -like stimuli "pseudoletters" led to functional specialization similar to that which exists for letters.

Neural activation patterns were measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI before and after three different types of training sessions. Participants were trained to recognize pseudoletters by writing, typing, or purely visual practice.

Results suggested that only after writing practice did neural activation patterns to pseudoletters resemble patterns seen for letters. That is, neural activation in the left fusiform and dorsal precentral gyrus was greater when participants viewed pseudoletters than other, similar stimuli but only after writing experience.

Neural activation also increased after typing practice in the right fusiform and left precentral gyrus, suggesting that in some areas, any motor experience may change visual processing. The results of this experiment suggest an intimate interaction among perceptual and motor systems during pseudoletter perception that may be extended to everyday letter perception. The production of pigments as secondary metabolites by microbes is known to vary by species and by physiological conditions within a single strain.

The fungus strain Penicillium purpurogenum IAM has been found to produce violet pigment PP -V and orange pigment PP -O ,Monascus azaphilone pigment homologues, when grown under specific culture conditions.

The pigment production pattern of five strains cultivated in PP -V production medium was similar to that of strain IAM, and all violet pigments produced by these five strains were confirmed to be PP -V. Strains that did not produce pigment were also identified.

Based on these results, two hypotheses for the alteration of pigment production of P. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Full Text Available The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor uPAR plays a role in tumor progression and has been proposed as a target for the treatment of cancer. We recently described the development of a novel humanized monoclonal antibody that targets uPAR and has anti-tumor activity in multiple xenograft animal tumor models.

This antibody, ATN- , does not inhibit ligand binding i. Guided by comparisons between primate and human uPAR, epitope mapping studies were performed using several orthogonal techniques. Systematic site directed and alanine scanning mutagenesis identified the region of aa of uPAR as the epitope for ATN- No known function has previously been attributed to this epitope Structural insights into epitope recognition were obtained from structural studies of the Fab fragment of ATN- bound to uPAR.

These studies reveal a new functional epitope on uPAR involved in tumor progression and demonstrate a previously unrecognized strategy for the therapeutic targeting of uPAR. Finsler pp -waves. In this work we present a Finslerian version of the well-known pp -waves, which generalizes the very special relativity VSR line element. Our Finsler pp -waves are an exact solution of Finslerian Einstein's equations in vacuum.

Describes a three-part assignment in which each student writes a complaint letter and an adjustment letter responding to another student's complaint letter. Discusses how the third part of the assignment--journal entries--allows students to formulate their own criteria for excellent letters based upon their reactions to the letters they receive.

Gluon ladders in pp pp -bar collisions. Full text follows: We study the contribution of a finite sum of gluon ladders to the hadronic processes showing that a reliable description is obtained using two order on perturbation theory. The pp pp -bar total cross sections are described with good agreement, consistent with unitarity bound. We also calculate the elastic scattering amplitude at non zero momentum transfer t, introducing two distinct Ansatz for the proton impact factor.

As a by product the elastic differential cross section is obtained at small t approximation and compared with the data. Examines how metadiscourse is used to create a positive corporate image in CEOs' letters , showing how CEOs use nonpropositional material to realize rational, credible, and affective appeals.

Reveals the essentially rhetorical nature of CEOs' letters by comparing the frequency and distribution of metadiscourse in their letters and directors'…. The measurements described in this report are part of the infiltration experiment carried out at Olkiluoto. The emphasis of these measurements is on obtaining more detailed data on hydraulically significant fractures in the infiltration experiment area. Two different flowmeters were used for the measurements.

The most recent measurements were conducted in Those measurements were carried out when drillhole OL-KR14 was pumped at packed-off section 13 m - 18 m. A very lively woman of fashion, she was close to Queen Charlotte and one of the Bluestocking Ladies. She left a vivid portrait of life and society in eighteenth century England and Ireland in the six volumes of her Autobiography and Letters , edited in by her descendant Lady Llanover.

Her autobiography is made up of 18 letters sent to her most intimate friend, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Portland. The first letter is dated , but in this, as in the following ones, Mrs.

Delany narrates her past life to her friend, starting from the early years of her life, describing her unhappy marriage, financial difficulties as a widow, and family relationships. Delany is dealing with. The aim of this paper is to focus on the textual, linguistic and content differences between the two letter types, and analyse how the identity of Mary Delany is differently constructed and perceived in the explicit autobiographical letters addressed to the Duchess of Portland, and the ones written to her sister.

Letters of reference are commonly used in acquiring a job in education. Despite serious issues of validity and reliability in writing and evaluating letters , there is a dearth of research that systematically examines the evaluation process and defines the constructs that define high quality letters. The current study used NVivo to examine …. Sixty-Minute Review of Letter Writing. The article describes a one-hour presentation which provides a basic stereotyped pattern of letter organization for the four types of letters order, request, claim, and reply the business of secretarial student is most likely to have to write.

The four paragraphs of the pattern are: purpose, explanation, optional, and closing. Rapid progress is being made in the understanding of PP 2A complex and its functions. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Siu-Tsen Shen. Related Papers. Chapter in the book: Advances in Human- … Multimodal accessibility of documents.

A minimal model for predicting visual search in human-computer interaction. Assistive technology A psychotechnological review on eye-tracking systems: towards user experience. A two-layered approach to make human-robot interaction social and robust. Sustainable knowledge globe: A system for supporting content-oriented conversation.  

management letter addressing: Topics by


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